Photos: Homosexual Memorials

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Amsterdam memorial to homosexual victims. Three triangles define a large triangle. This triangle is raised up from the ground. A second triangle is level with the ground. And a third triangle (not shown) is at a lower level jutting out into the adjacent canal. The "pink triangle" was the symbol the Nazis used to label and defame homosexuals in the concentration camps.
Amsterdam memorial.
Commemorative plaque in Berlin. Starting in January of 1933, all of the different homosexual locales around Nollendorf Square in Berlin were either closed or raided because of "pink lists" (Nazi files on homosexuals).
Memorial to homosexual victims at Neuengamme concentration camp. One hundred homosexuals were imprisoned at Neuengamme. At least 33 of these men lost their lives. The exact count is probably much higher.
Wall memorial at Sachsenhausen. "Deathblow, deadly silence of the homosexual victims of National Socialism."

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Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
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